At the outset, they were skittish, but quickly decided they liked my human and edged ever closer to the fence between the yards. Either they liked her, or they wanted to peck at her toes.
Suddenly, one of the geese notices a gap under the fence. A jailbreak is inevitable.
Dinnertime approacheth.
Dinnertime approacheth.
Voila! Geese on our property. Doesn't that mean they belong to us now? Fire up the barbecue!!
They go visit Gracie the Blind Goat. She is confused by the honking and wanders off, thinking she's about to be hit by a car.
I gained new admiration (for a nanosecond) for Boogie, who I hear attacked one of the geese and had it by the neck before our human screamed at her, causing her to drop it and go into grovel mode. She probably wouldn't have shared it with me anyway, the bee-atch. Now she's back to being all slobbery and acting all like she and the geese are big pals. Like I said, she's STOO-pid.
The male human, bless his big ole heart, thought it might be nice to try to teach the geese how to wet sand on his Harley fender. Talk about ridiculous! You KNOW they have no idea what he's doing, they're just being nice to him so they can play in the water.
And here's evidence that geese are stupid and really should just be enjoyed with a glass of wine and some crackers: I overheard this one saying, "This is a nice mirror, but it really makes me look sort of green, doesn't it?"